AP Physics 2

This year-long course provides an accelerated coverage of all topics required for the AP Physics 2 Exam: thermodynamics, fluids, waves, optics, special relativity, modern atomic physics, electricity, and magnetism. AP Physics 2 is for students who have already studied mechanics and are ready to follow up with additional topics. The course is algebra-based; no calculus is used.

Target Exams

Target Grades


Who Should Take This Course

Course Prerequisites:
  • F=ma Advanced*
  • or 1st-year high school physics course
  • or AP Physics 1
  • or AP Physics C Mechanics
(* Indicates an Alphastar Academy course)

A scientific calculator is required and preferred over a graphing calculator.


There is a required textbook for the course: Students are also recommended to get: Additional optional homework problems will be assigned from The Princeton Review.

Exam Weeks

Practice Exams will be given/solved.


There are weekly homework sets.


Lecture notes and problem solutions will be available on the learning management system (LMS).


AP Physics 2 is a year-long course with the first half in the fall and the second half in the spring. The course is not offered as a summer camp. [table id=28 /]

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