Code: CC45B




This course is the last course of the four courses in USACO Gold level.


Promotion to USACO Platinum Division

Who should take this course?

A student who wants to take this course is recommended to accomplish ONE of the followings:


This course consists of the following topics:

  • Gold level simulation techniques
  • Gold level grid problems
  • Binary Index Trees
  • Query problems
  • Advanced Tree problems
  • Combinatoric problems
  • Gold level sweep line problems
  • Mixed problem sets

These classes include solving / discussing 40+ medium/ hard former USACO Gold problems in various topics including the above ones.

Next Course

The next course is CC51A: USACO Platinum - A.

It is recommended to complete at least 50% of the course (certificate of successful completion) before taking the next one.


Course Schedule

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Course Catalog

Diagnostic Exam

If you're not sure about your level or which course to take, it is recommended to take the diagnostic exam.

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