Due to COVID-19, AlphaStar offered all summer camps in online format between Jun 8 – Aug 7, 2020. We were happy to work with many students from all around the US, even some out of the US, who are passionate about math, computer science and physics.
There were many national finalists and international medal winners among our faculty as well as experienced teachers, college professors and so on.
Guest Speakers:
We had two wonderful speakers during our summer camps. Professor Jelani Nelson from the Department of EECS at UC Berkeley talked about “Sketching Algorithms” for interested students & parents. And secondly, Justin Stevens from University of Alberta Math/Computer Science, talked about how two-player games can be analyzed using a strategy from number theory in his “Number Games” lecture.
College Success Panels:
Also, we had two college panels with a participation of many interested parents and students during our camps where our instructors shared their college application process experiences and answered parents’ questions.